Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Differences Between The Giver Book And Movie - 740 Words

This essay is about comparing the Giver book and movie. The Giver is a story about a boy named Jonas who was chosen to be the community’s next Receiver of Memory. He lived in a community where everything was chosen for the citizens, and everything was perfect. During Jonas training, he realized that the community was missing something and that there was more in the world. Jonas wanted the everybody to know that. The Giver book was then made into a movie. Though the two were based on the same story, there are three important differences that couldve made them two separate stories. The three main differences between the book and the movie are Asher and Fionas Assignments, the similarity all Receivers had and the Chief Elders role. One†¦show more content†¦His parents did, and Lily did, and so did all of his group members and friends. But there were a few exceptions: Jonas himself, and a female Five who he had noticed had the different, lighter eyes, (pg. 20 - Lois Lowry). Only those with light eyes would become the next Receiver of Memory, which is why it was such an important detail. In the Giver movie, it was changed into a birthmark. That birthmark was shaped like a triangle and in the movie, all Receivers of Memory had them. The third main difference between The Giver book and the movie was the Chief Elders role. In the Giver book, the Chief Elder was not much of an important character, The initial speech at the Ceremony of Twelve was made by the Chief Elder, the leader of the community who was elected every ten years, (pg. 51 - Lois Lowry). However, the Chief Elder played an important role in the Giver movie. In the book, the Chief spoke in a few chapters during Ceremonies and that was all. The Giver movies Chief Elder always watched Jonas closely. She started becoming suspicious of Jonas, and so she would warn Jonas mother and The Giver. She then found out about Jonas plan to escape. When she did, she ordered Asher to lose him (The Giver movie). That meant she wanted Asher to kill Jonas. This essay was about the three main differences between the Giver book and the Giver movie. The first main difference was talked about in the first body paragraph. That paragraph was aboutShow MoreRelatedSimilarities And Differences Between The Giver Movie And Movie914 Words   |  4 PagesThe Giver, a book by Lois Lowry, and The Giver, the movie version, have more differences than similarities. The movie changes some details to fit into the new themes and expectations of the film. There are some similarities between the two, such as the general idea of a community based off of Sameness and order. However, there are many differences in things like the themes, the plot, the symbols, and the characters that just cannot be neglected. The movie is more different to the book than similarRead MoreSimilarities And Differences Between The Giver Book And Book930 Words   |  4 PagesThe Giver is an amazing novel and so is the movie. 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